The ramblings of a Star Priestess Astrologer and Award Winning Spiritual Life Purpose Coach

Welcome to my blog. As a Priestess of the Stars in love with the Moon and having a passion for helping people through my award winning coaching, I hope you will enjoy my writings.

Some of these blogs are astrological updates and insights, others are more ramblings and musings and then there are those which are more helpful, geared towards coaching.

Basically, I love to write so I hope you will enjoy all that you find here. It is an incredibly beautiful journey I am on and I would love to share it with you.

Full Moon in Taurus 2

Full Moon in Taurus - Plutonia paving the way to your transformation

November 14, 202410 min read

"Change is inevitable, but transformation is a choice." - Heather Ash Amara

Introduction: Time to meet the cast

At 21:28 on Friday 15 November we welcome and honour the Full Moon in Taurus.  She will be 24 degrees in Taurus, conjunct Urania at 25 degrees, and opposite Sol, at 23 degrees in Scorpio.  She will be supported by Mars, at 3 degrees in Leo and Plutonia who, for the last time, will be making a trine to the Full Moon whilst in Capricorn at 29 degrees. 

This Full Moon in Taurus is so exciting with so much to offer, it is just too big not to write a blog about it.  I love the Full Moon in Taurus anyway.  She has such a beautiful energy but this one feels extra special for so many reasons. 

Urania is playing a huge leading role, conjunct Luna, and Plutonia and Mars are playing significant supporting roles.  If that wasn’t enough, Saturnia, not trying to steal the limelight as such, has decided to go stationary direct on the same day as the Full Moon.  See what I mean?  A lot going on all in one day.  So, let me break this down a bit for you. 


Pluto 1

1. Understanding the Taurus-Scorpio Axis

The Taurus-Scorpio axis is one of self-worth, security, transformation, and mystery. These two signs, though seemingly opposites, work together to balance what we hold onto and what we release.

The Goddess Taurus embodies sensuality, pleasures of the body.  She is a fixed earth sign ruled by Venus.  She needs stability, security and safety.  She moves at a slow, steady and intentional pace.  She recognises her self-worth and will surround herself with things that mirror her value, not out of vanity but rather to reinforce how good she feels about herself.  She is a skilled manifester and can welcome abundance into her life in all its forms. Taurus also focuses on material wealth, personal finances, and possessions. 

Scorpio is the Queen of the Underworld, ruled by Plutonia.  She is dark, intense, and can be deeply emotional.  She is a fixed water sign and whilst she has a hard shell of protective armour with a vicious sting in her tail, she also has a soft underbelly, which if exposed, can leave her incredibly vulnerable.  Scorpio helps us face our shadows and guides us through the transformational process of death and rebirth.  It is no coincidence that her time is during Samhain, when the veil between worlds is thinnest, as she also deals with the occult, receiving messages etc. 

Scorpio also takes pleasure in the body, in sexuality, and subjects that are usually considered taboo.  She is secretive and can hone in on things that are hidden.  On a more mundane level she too can focus on wealth, especially shared resources, money you have with others such as loans, credit cards, mortgages, money in partnerships etc. 

2. The themes

The Full Moon in Taurus is the perfect time to examine our attachments and our fears around letting go. We are asked to consider what we truly value, what we are holding onto out of habit, and what we are ready to release for more soul-aligned growth.  We are also being invited to open ourselves up to profound change and authentic liberation.  If we are willing to do the work, this lunation can help shakes us out of old habits, empowers us to own our inner power, and inspire bold, aligned action.

3. So how is this Full Moon playing out?

Urania conjunct Lunar suggests that anything is possible.  Her energy is quick and unpredictable.  This may feel more challenging in Taurus as her energy is naturally slower, but Plutonia and Mars are on hand to offer support.  She wants to liberate you from your emotional burdens.  She may also offer you insights, clarity, and a different perspective. 

You may find yourself feeling more rebellious, open to new, radical ideas.  It really is time to break free, to release yourself, to shed all the burdens you have been carrying, including those outdated belief systems and negative thought patterns.  You may even find things that have been hidden from you coming to light, perhaps you believed something to be true and now you are finding out it wasn’t the case.  Don’t hold on to it, just let it all go.  Lance the poison. 

This Full Moon is about releasing, surrendering and moving forward.  It is time to unshackle yourself from your emotional baggage. 

Plutonia is offering you so much support here.  She is in her final degree in Capricorn, and this is the last time she will be in this sign for a Full Moon for the next 243 years.  She is paving the way for you, telling you that you have the emotional strength and resilience to move forward, to be strong, and to transform.  You have the power to create the life you want.  What is holding you back, keeping you stagnant? 

You have the opportunity to consciously shape the new structures you want to build in your life.  You are ready to lay new foundations, to create something new but you can’t do that if you are still holding on to the past. 

That is the wonderful thing about this Full Moon.  She isn’t just about releasing; she is also about building.  That is where Plutonia in Capricorn is really paving the way for you.  She has been helping you break everything down for you so you can begin to lay your new foundations, to start again, just as you want them, not as the hierarchy, the patriarchy have dictated, but as you want them.  This is your time.  And as Plutonia moves into Aquarius on 19 November, it really will be an opportunity to do things differently, to bring in new ideas, new perspectives, to be rebellious, radical, change things up.  I hope you are feeling as excited as I am about this. 

Mars in Leo also supporting this Full Moon is encouraging you to follow your heart and to be authentic in all you do.  To be courageous, to step into your power, and keep shining your light.  Can you see how everything is lining up for you? 

4. Journal Prompts

So, my questions to you are, what are you going to release to this full moon?  How are you going to release?  Below are some journal prompts to help you:

Breaking Free from Limiting Beliefs

  • What beliefs or habits around my self-worth or financial stability no longer serve me?

  • In what areas of my life do I feel ready to break free and embrace change?

  • How would it feel to release the need for control and trust the unknown?

Empowered Transformation

  • What structures or routines in my life feel outdated or restrictive?

  • Where have I been holding onto power or control, and how can I soften my grip?

  • What does true empowerment look like for me in this chapter of my life?

 Creative and Authentic Action

  • What is one bold action I’ve been avoiding that could bring me closer to my desires?

  • How can I express myself more fully and authentically?

  • What would it look like to act in alignment with my heart’s true desires?

 Embracing the Unexpected

  • What unexpected changes have come up recently, and how have I responded to them?

  • How can I cultivate more trust in the process of change?

  • What gifts might be hidden in the surprises and disruptions I’ve experienced?

 Grounding and Stability

  • How can I create a sense of grounded stability even while embracing change?

  • What practices help me feel connected to my body and the present moment?

  • What do I truly value, and how do these values shape the life I want to create?

5. Affirmations

Here are some affirmations that may also be helpful to you:

"I release limiting beliefs and open myself to greater freedom and possibility."

"I am worthy of abundance and trust in the flow of resources and support."

"I embrace transformation and let go of all that no longer serves my growth."

"I am empowered to create a life aligned with my values and my truth."

"I move forward boldly, inspired by my heart and driven by purpose."

"I welcome the unexpected as an opportunity for growth and discovery."

"I am grounded, strong, and secure, trusting that I am supported through change."

"I honour my inner wisdom and act with confidence and authenticity."

6. Saturnia

I also mentioned that Saturnia also goes stationary direct on 15 November. it is going to take a while for her to build up her momentum as she moves forward so whilst in this place of stillness, she invites you to become intentional and she too asks you under this Full Moon energy, what are you looking to clear out?  What do you need to release? 

Since the end of June Saturn has been travelling backwards in Pisces, learning the lessons and gathering the wisdom that she is now ready to teach and share.  She asks you, what emotional boundaries no longer work for you?  Where are you out of alignment with your core values? Where are you with your spiritual practices?  Where do you need new structures and foundations in place to support you? 

All of this has come together at the perfect time to support your journey to release what no longer serves you, to move forward, and to transform. 

Saturnia is making what is known as a T Square to Mercuria in Sagittarius and Jupitera in Gemini who is currently retrograde until the end of December.  These conversations are happening in all the mutable signs suggesting a need to slow down. 

Saturnia is asking you to stay open to all the possibilities around you currently, to be sure you have all the information you need, do you have all the facts, the full picture?  Are you willing to change your perceptions, your views and your assumptions?  She is challenging both Mercuria and Sagittarius, questioning them on their beliefs systems, their ideologies, their philosophies, their ideas, thoughts and general communications.  How do we understand the world at large?  Things will become clearer once both Jupitera and Mercuria have completed their retrogrades and have come out of their shadow phases in early 2025.  For now, be patient and stay open.

It would be a good idea for you to look where Mercuria and Jupitera sit in your chart as this could reveal where potential deceptions or challenges may be for you currently.   


So beautiful souls, I hope that gives you an explanation as to what is happening under this full moon and with Saturnia.  It really is quite magical and I truly believe we are being presented with an opportunity not to be missed. 

If we are willing to put the work in, we can release the emotional baggage that does not serve us and transform into the powerful souls we are destined to become.  It may not be easy.  There maybe times when it will feel painful, hard work and you will feel like giving up but it will be worth it. 

If you decide that you would like some help and support with your transformational journey, whether it be through an astrology reading, or one of my coaching offerings, to walk beside you as you step into your power, claiming your light and your true path, it would be an honour to be of service to you.  I offer a number of sacred services as you will see from my website.  You can contact me at [email protected] to arrange a 15 minute discovery call to see if we resonate and how I can best assist you on your journey.  With love and blessings, Beth

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Beth Helbrow

Award-winning Empowerment Life Coach who is passionate about helping beautiful souls to overcome their blocks, negative thinking and barriers that have been preventing them from stepping into their power and becoming who they are meant to be. I work with clients on a 1:1 basis and in workshops and I also facilitate Sister Circles. I love what I do and what to share my passion with the world. I am also a Star Priestess in training, dedicating January 2025, working with Goddess and astrology and I plan to bring all of this into my coaching as I know my clients will only benefit from this.

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