The ramblings of a Star Priestess Astrologer and Award Winning Spiritual Life Purpose Coach

Welcome to my blog. As a Priestess of the Stars in love with the Moon and having a passion for helping people through my award winning coaching, I hope you will enjoy my writings.

Some of these blogs are astrological updates and insights, others are more ramblings and musings and then there are those which are more helpful, geared towards coaching.

Basically, I love to write so I hope you will enjoy all that you find here. It is an incredibly beautiful journey I am on and I would love to share it with you.

Full Moon in Taurus - Plutonia paving the way to your transformation

Full Moon in Taurus - Plutonia paving the way to your transformation

This blog talks about the Full Moon in Taurus conjunct Urania and how important this lunation is, the special role Plutonia plays and Saturnia going stationary direct. This really is so powerful for ... ...more

Transformation ,Taurus Full Moon

November 14, 202410 min read

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